1. Opening Credits:
Blue & Yellow - The Used
2. Waking Up:
The Sacrament - HIM O_o
3. First Day at school:
Razorblade Kiss - HIM wtf?
4. Falling In love:
Heaven Tonight - HIM ... WTF?
5. Fight Song:
Endlessly She Said - A.F.I.
6. Breaking Up:
Passive Agressive - Placebo... T_T.
7. Prom:
True Love - The Gathering... lol
8. Life:
Missing - Evanescence .__.
9. Mental Breakdown:
Everybody's Changing - Keane
10. Driving:
Misconstruction - Apocalyptica
11. Flashback:
Circles - The Used u_u.
12. Getting Back together:
Shinny Happy People - REM WTF?
13. Wedding:
And Love Said No - HIM
14. Birth of Child:
All That I've got - The Used lol. =D
15. Final Battle:
Confusion - The Gathering o.O
16. Death Scene:
Jolene - The White Stripes
17. Funeral Song:
Planet of the Sun - Negative
18. End Credits:
United and Lost - Zeraphine
Malditos resultados.
Puede verse tonto pero seguro esos que se la pasan con su reproductor puedan pasar un largo rato ocupados.
Have a nice day. :)
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