viernes, junio 01, 2007

Which Heroe are You?

Which Heroes character are you?
Your Result: Sylar

You are Sylar.
You have no real abilities on your own, however you have found out how to steal other people's powers. You murder them and take out their brains. Your lust for power and wanting to feel special have driven you to this level of insanity. You are immensly powerful.

Issac Mendez
Niki Sanders
Nathan Petrelli
Matt Parkman
Peter Petrelli
Hiro Nakamura
Claire Bennet
Which Heroes character are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Wow, siempre supe que me sentía familiarizado con es engendro del demonio y villano de la serie Heroes Heroes.

Un Quiz para los más frikis y fanaticos de esta serie.

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